How Do You Create a Catchy Business Name with AI?

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Creating a catchy business name can be pivotal for two main reasons:

  1. A catchy name resonates with people:

When you have a catchy business name, people will surely remember you. The emotional reaction associated with your name is what will define success for your business.

  1. A catchy business name is your unique element in the industry:

There are multiple businesses in the same niche. How will you stand out from others? It is your business name that will help you in this matter.

Hence, it is no surprise that owners spend much time thinking about their business name. This process takes a lot of time.

In this post, we will see how you can utilize AI to help you come up with a catchy business name. We will see this process step-by-step so that you can follow along nicely.

So, without waiting any longer, let’s get started! 

Create Attractive Business Names with AI

There are two ways in which you can utilize AI to create effective business names. One is by using AI language-based models like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Bing AI. While the other method is to use AI-based name generators.

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Let us see both methods in detail:
Using AI-Language Models

Nowadays, there are many AI models available online that leverage their language-based datasets to chat with users. They provide all types of solutions to the user’s queries and are quite efficient in their tasks.

For the sake of our demonstration, we will use the ChatGPT AI chatbot to generate a catchy business name. More specifically, we will be using the ChatGPT 3.5 version, which is free to use for everyone.

Let us see the steps for effective name generation with GPT 3.5:

  1. Paste your executive summary in the chat

This step is the start of your chat with the AI model. You should provide your business’s executive summary to the chat to help the model understand your business. 

The executive summary is the overview of your work. It defines your mission statement, goal, and target audience to the people. It works like background knowledge of your business to the AI model.

Let us see how it works:

Here, we have provided an executive summary of a made-up PC hardware business in Dallas, Texas. Our executive summary clearly defines the company’s main work and key points to the AI so that it can generate an effective business name for us.

  1. Give correct prompts for extracting the most value

After providing ChatGPT with key highlights, give it a suitable prompt. A prompt is something that you require the AI model to do. It is the request you send to its system that accomplishes your tasks for you.

This is the most crucial step as it will form the judgment from the AI model about your business name. If you fail to give the correct prompt to the chatbot, then you might fail to get a catchy name for your business.

For our demonstration, we used the following prompt:

“Use the executive summary above to provide catchy business name options. Make sure to consider the audience and purpose of the business in your answer.”

Here’s how the interface looks after we enter our prompt to the chat:

Please notice that we added a line to the ChatGPT to make it consider our business’s audience and purpose. We did this so that the chatbot picks names that resonate with the particular age group/demographic of our business.

The purpose command will let the AI model reconcile its name options before giving them to us. This way, the answers that we will get will be consolidated and well put.

  1. Get your results

Finally, press the ‘send’ button on the chat to reveal your answers from the AI chatbot. The names we got for our made-up business are:

Now, if you are dissatisfied with the response, you can always reiterate the question to the chat for better solutions. However, we do have to warn you that this process can be painstaking as sometimes the conversation becomes recursive. This is due to the limited dataset fed to the free version of the AI model. If you require more meaningful chatting, you need to upgrade to the 4.0 version.

Using AI Name Generators

Another method you can use to create catchy business names is to use AI name generators. They are advantageous to use for the following reasons:

  • No need to write any queries
  • No troubles like query iterations or recursive arguments
  • No need to provide any executive summaries in the chat

Today, there are many AI name generators that you can find online. However, for our demonstration purpose, we chose a random tool for search called Editpad.

Here’s how the AI tool’s interface looks like:

To get your business name from the AI tool, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Research and write related keywords or intended business names

The first thing you need to do is to research the keywords that you think best represent your business. These are the words that people will search for when they are looking for products/services related to your business. The keywords will help the AI tool to find the best possible business name for your organization. 

You can also write your suggestion for the name (if you have any.) If the brand name is YOUR name then give it in this box because it will help the AI tool to give precise results.

For our demonstration, we will write the keywords “PC hardware components in Dallas”

Here’s how the interface will look like:

  1. Choose your desired Business niche

You need to select a business niche from the drop-down menu (yellow arrow) (See image in the above section.) 

You can leave this option as “standard”, but we recommend choosing a business sector. This is because choosing a niche will help the AI tool understand your intended audience. It will help the tool to grasp the mood that is suitable for your business.

For our example, we chose the business sector of “Technology and Innovation”.

Here’s what the tool looks like after we chose our business niche:

  1. Get your results from the tool

Finally, it’s time to extract the results. 

As you can see there’s a bar for selecting ‘No. of Names’ (blue arrow in the image, first section) This means that you can increase or decrease this value to get more or fewer name options, respectively.

If you are a person who tends to get confused with more options, then we recommend lowering this value to 2 or 3. But, if you want more options, you can always increase this number to your liking.

For now, we have left this option to 5, which is the default setting for this tool.

Here are the 5 best business names for our provided keyword and niche:

C:\Users\Ayesha Sadiqqa\Desktop\results.png

You can copy these names and use them wherever you want. Please note that this tool is free and there is no limit to the retries. So, if you feel that your answer is not accurate, feel free to regenerate your business name by clicking the green ‘Generate Names’ button.

Final Thoughts

There are two ways in which you can get a catchy business name from AI. The first is to use the free AI chat models like ChatGPT 3.5. The second is to use AI name generators for catchy business names.

That’s it for today, we hope you enjoyed our content!