7+ Secrets Ideas to Writing Product Descriptions to Sell Online [Product Description Ideas]

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The Key to the success of good online sales is being able to write product descriptions effectively. However, this is often forgotten by online business people. In fact, if explored further, selling online is a promising business.

Given that currently around 3.7 billion people in the world use the internet and it has the potential to be the best market for your business. Back again in writing product descriptions in effective online sales, there are at least five secrets that you can apply. What are the points? Check out the reviews below.

Best Ideas to Writing Product Descriptions to Sell Online [Product Selling Ideas in 2024]

5 Secrets to Writing Product Descriptions to Sell Online

We recommend using persuasive sentences

Writing a description of an online sales product, the first thing you need to do is use persuasive sentences. This sentence is a sentence with the aim of persuading potential buyers or consumers to subtly persuade them to buy the product being offered. When using sentences that are too long, potential customers tend to feel bored.

The importance of using persuasive sentences in addition to convincing potential customers, as well as building awareness. Visitors shop online (in this case the potential consumers) as if they were speaking directly to you as a seller. Even though the two are separated from each other, this percussive sentence is able to make consumers feel comfortable.

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  • What are the benefits of the product?

Before writing a description and marketing your online sales product, make sure you also know the product. Remember, good sellers, are those who know the product specifications clearly. For this you need to do research first, the way is to see other online shops or directly open the website for these products.

After you know about the product, write a description so that potential customers are more interested in buying. Another benefit of referring to selling products online by comparing competitors is that you will be more detailed and better and professional in writing product advantages.

  • Use the appropriate keywords

Writing product descriptions for sale online is different from writing them in offline media such as magazines or newspapers for example. In writing descriptions online, you also have to think about SEO.

Therefore, you should not forget to put keywords in every product description that you write on the website, because this will have an effect on search engines.

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Instead, in writing keywords you need to think as a consumer who will buy the product. Suppose you sell and describe an online product in the form of a watch.

So the keywords that you need and often use are ‘Watches’. Apart from that, be specific. For example, ‘Latest Men’s Watches’ to make it easier for potential customers to find the product they are looking for.

  • Create in Table or List Form

Description selling products online do not just use persuasive words alone. You should also need to make it in table or list form. A person usually tends to get bored with reading too long and too much elaboration. Sentences that are too dense also tend to confuse readers.

If the product has enough specifications to explain, you should use a table or list to the infographic. With this table or list, potential customers will find it easier to capture messages from the products you describe. They will also feel at home for a long time visiting your online store and their chances of buying will be even greater.

  • Attach it with an attractive product photo

As a complement, in addition to writing, you are also required to post photos of the products being sold as attractive as possible. Launching from Forbes, images or visuals are able to make readers or potential consumers more interested in a product and make the message conveyed more memorable. Even the visual aspect itself is the key to selling online itself.

Apart from using photos, you can also use videos to complete product descriptions in online stores. The photos or videos can also be in the form of testimonials from customers to make it more convincing for potential new customers.

That’s the secret to writing online product descriptions that you can apply. Don’t forget, too, to support your online sales, you should use Indonesian web hosting and cheap free domain hosting from Dewaweb complete with SSL certificates and online data backups so that the transaction and marketing processes run smoothly.

Not only that, but you can also take advantage of the affiliate programs and reseller server facilities which can certainly help your business.

Hopefully useful and good luck.