7 Ways to Teach Children to Learn Maths

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 Not just pursuing a target academic score, parents certainly want their children to master mathematics as a daily provision. There isn’t a day without counting, even though it’s not a matter of answering quizzes at school. How to teach children to learn mathematics without being forced to practice it in real life.

Always remember the main condition, that does not make children stressed when learning. It’s not just math, it applies to everything. Once depressed, they will be reluctant to explore it further.

7 Ways to Teach Children to Learn Maths

How to teach children to count

To be able to apply how to teach children to count quickly, parents can apply several strategies such as:

1. Apply in everyday life

After spending hours at school with various types of subjects, family time with parents certainly wants to be filled with other things that are more refreshing.

But make no mistake, you can still invite children to learn math by applying it in daily interactions. For example, challenge them to count the number of items in the shopping basket. Then, ask how much they will have to pay to bring their 3 favorite snacks home.

2. Play with objects

Don’t forget to include objects to invite them to hone your little one’s math skills. For example by using sticks, macaroni, or buttons. Methods of counting can range from addition, subtraction, multiplication, to division.

Hands-on learning or hands-on learning can help children master the key concepts, not just memorizing them.

3. Playing games

There are many games that involve an element of numeracy in them. Starting from counting 1 to 100 with games to games of snakes and ladders. For older children, games like Monopoly can also hone children’s abilities to calculate how many assets and properties they have.

In fact, games can also be done without any tools. For example, by guessing each other’s numbers in the imagination. Or, invite the children to do random calculations while driving together.

4. Make a cake

Fun activities like baking or baking can also be a way to teach children to learn math. When making the dough, invite the child to cut it into pieces such as ½, ¼, up to 1/8. Visually, this method will make children understand better than just imagining it in their head.

Don’t forget to ask children to do simple counts like ½ cookies plus ½ cookies will make 1, and so on. Apart from making cakes, playing with play-dough can also be a similar method.

5. Playing flashcards

Try playing flashcards filled with numbers to help develop their numeracy skills. Not only simple calculations, but you can also add multiplication and division calculations.

6. Guessing

Make the day even more fun by often making guesses at the children. You don’t have to allocate time or special tools, just take it from the things that are around you. For example counting how many clothes are on the clothesline, how many buttons are on the shirt, and so on.

This can also be applied when not at home. When in a traffic jam, invite the children to calculate the total number of the vehicle number plates in front of you.

7. Adjust the type of intelligence of the child

Every child is unique, has a different intelligence starting from kinesthetic, visual, linguistic, naturalist, interpersonal, and many more. Identify the type of intelligence of your child so that it can be adjusted according to the most appropriate learning method.

Don’t assume all learning methods are the same because children’s abilities vary. Children who can sit quietly absorb all the lessons in class are not necessarily smarter than children who prefer to run in the wild.

Parents know best about this. So, adjust to the preferences and types of intelligence each.

Once parents show how much fun maths can be, they’ll get excited too. Give an understanding that math is not just a matter of rote, but more than that. Mastering the basic skills of mathematics will be their basic provision that is used until adulthood.

Explore children’s curiosity about math. When it comes to academics, it is only natural that their grades have dropped. There are many formulas that develop as they get older.

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